And sure it is a song title by Eminem….and look, I even found a version without the annoying ads…

I am in the process of cleaning out the house I have lived in for the past 16 years now.  To say that it isn’t easy, or fun is an understatement.  Even though the Fat Lady sang 3 years ago, and the tears and yelling went with her there are still ghosts in these 4 walls that have yet to be exorcised.

Today I am packing up the clothes that my youngest left behind.  4 bags of assorted tops, jeans, shorts, sweatpants.  4 bags of laughing with friends, going to football games, playing on the trampoline that used to be out back.  4 bags of snuggling on the couch, arguing about what tv show to watch, ending up watching anything that was on Nickelodeon.

I have been blessed with 4 children.  Equal numbers of boys and girls….2 of each.  Which is a good thing because it will be the girls who will take care of me in my old age.  I hope.  All of the kids are strewn about the country.  The 2 eldest living on the west coast area, the next to last still living in Michigan, and the youngest living most of the year in Philadelphia while at college.

And I am heading out as soon as possible for the southeastern coast.  There is something in the sound of the ocean that is tugging at my soul at this point in my life.  The sun, the sand, and the waves crashing…..on the sand, on me…..washing it all away.