
We all get to that point with something.  The point where what we are doing, or eating, or reading, or watching, or whatever just becomes meaningless.  That point where it all tastes like ashes in your mouth.  Where the words just have no meaning whatsoever.

I finally hit that point.  I decided to take a break from social media last week when we were on our trip down to Florida.  Skirting hurricane Arthur a challenge was levied about my inability to stay away from FaceCrack and the like for a week.  A monetary reward was bandied about.  The challenge accepted.

Skip to this week.  I just have nothing to offer to those posting recipes, posting accusations of political abuse of power and office, offering sayings of hope and encouragement.  I got nothing.  I got nothing because what was a way to re-connect with friends from my past…people who I had drifted away from, what was a way to ostensibly help me keep in contact with my family….and we know how that one has worked out…just didn’t hit the mark.  It didn’t ring true any longer.

Then I came across this website asking people to pledge to stay away from facecrack for 99 days.  The site was put up in response to facecrack acknowledging that it had been doing some underhanded social engineering.  Manipulating peoples news feeds to gauge their reactions.

Here is a link to one of many articles on the study.

We all have our opinions on FB.  Some think it is wonderful, some think it is the Devil incarnate, some don’t even think at all.  My point in all of this is that I don’t need it.  I don’t need to insinuate myself into other peoples conversations, I don’t need to make myself feel important, I don’t need to make vague and insipid comments purely to elicit concerned response.

I just need to live honestly, and simply.

And that is what I am going to do.  I will be posting my thoughts here on this site.  My email is listed for comment, and if you want to get my latest ramblings sent directly to you then you can enter your own email in the box there to the right and such will be sent to you.

Enjoy your summer, kids.  Stay safe and watch out for that polar vortex.