
Not quite as much as Pennywise does, but to a considerable level.

On a side note….clowns have creeped me for many, many years.  I had my own Pennywise moment back in the little town of Keeler one hot summer day.  But that is a story for another time.

What I want to address at this point in time is the obvious lack of sleep that is going on with all of you around the world.  What the heck is going on people?  Just what the heck is keeping you up at night and reading about my not being able to sleep?  Too much coffee in the evening?

Sleeplessness only hits me every now and then. Usually only once or twice a month.  It all depends on what I have going on in my world.  And it is always so nice that not being able to shut off my brain gives my inner voice the chance to list in minute, excruciating detail every little thing in my life that I feel I have failed at.

What is it about our sub-conscious selves that they just have to be so doggoned judgmental with us?  I, for one, would appreciate a little bit of empathy….is that even possible?  For you to be empathetic with yourself?

I wonder……