I have always wanted to be of an ilk.

I know, intellectually, that I am. An “ilk” is just another word for “type”, or “group”, even “kind”.

And the lord knows that I am of a “kind” for sure. Just haven’t nailed down what kind I am. I have always thought of myself as more of a larger sub-set. Or group.

You get the idea.

Something different from “outsider”. Different from the lamest label of them all….”different”.

Kind of strange to want trying not to be categorized, yet secretly wanting to be part of a category. Maybe not so secretly after all. We are very social creatures. Even those of us who live on the outskirts of conventional society live within the confines of a sort of order. You don’t get too far by living without at least understanding and respecting the broader parameters of civilized society.

Or so they say. Those of that ilk.