I am tired of supporting you free-loading asses.

If you went to college and racked up excessive student loans, you had best hope that you studied in a field where you are going to find a job that pays enough to pay them back. Don’t expect me to help you pay back your loans through loan forgiveness, or through tax-payer funded low interest loans. Suck it up, buttercup. Welcome to the real world.

Lost your job due to being laid off, or your company closing? Don’t expect the collect that unemployment forever. Get off your lazy ass and get another job. Or two, or three. Better be ready to move to another area of the country if you can find a better paying job there. Times are tough, and the tough need to get going. Tell the wife and kids that they had best be ready to move at a minutes notice. If a decent paying job comes along, you have to pounce.

Single parent? What is wrong with you? You had best find someone to marry who can support you and your kids. Don’t expect me to pay for you to push out your kids while you suck up crab legs and steaks while I have to eat macaroni and cheese.

And the medical coverage for you and those kids? Not my problem. You had ’em, you take care of them. Get a job. Get a couple of jobs. Find someone to marry who can support you and your kids.

Not my problem.

And you retirees? You had best hope that you saved during your working years. Social Security, and Medicare were not set up to help you in your retirement, not to completely support you. Can’t afford food, or medicine? Best hope that your family can help, because my tax dollars are not here to help you.

Suck it up people. We are responsible for ourselves, not for each other.

Regardless what the New Testament says.