The nucleus of this post began with a conversation I had with the Wild Child the other night.

To begin with, let me explain who the Wild Child is.

I have 2 daughters, and I have recently adopted one. My adopted daughter….An Honorary Dodd, so to speak, will be identified as “The Wild Child” because she has the the requisite sass necessary to be a real Dodd woman.

Moving on.

The Wild Child and I were talking the other night…her checking in on my to make sure that I had not succumbed to a bad case of lead poisoning….something along the lines of 180 grains. She was telling me that she was watching a show on Night Line about a stripper who had 4 “fiances”.

The Wild Child was amazed about a stripper having so many “fiances”.

I told her it is really simple.

First….men are stupid when it come to women.

Second…and this is where we got into an argument…women can manipulate men anytime they want.

The Wild Child went ballistic on my saying that “she isn’t like that, and most women do not manipulate men.”

I dropped the argument, because she didn’t know the following formula….

Women have all the control in every interaction with men. Women either allow the interaction to move forward, or to end. No matter what a man does, if the women does not want the interaction to progress it doesn’t.

That is fact.

Fast forward to this morning.

I get up at 5am every morning to get ready to traipse off to whatever store I am contracted to be at that morning.  For the past few nights I have had trouble sleeping…I wake up at around 3am and toss and turn from then. That is why I was awake at 4:45 this morning when my FaceCrack Messenger notifier went off.

My first thought was something along the lines of, “Who the hell is up at this God forsaken time?”

And I saw that it was a woman I did not know.

The second thought, “Who the hell is this? And what the hell do the want”?

It quickly became evident….this woman I did not know had a tale of woe and was trying to get me to take her bait….

Which is something I was trying to explain to the Wild Child.

If want to let a man know you are interested in him you lean towards him in conversation. This makes him feel that you value what he has to say.

If the woman wants to show more interest she will touch the mans hand or arm during conversation.

My internet “friend” tried to get me to feel sorry for her inability to find a “decent man.” She actually told me that i seemed like a decent person after just 3 interactions.

The point of this is that this has to be something that works or else it would not be used. Find someone who will engage you, and then try to set the hook and reel them in.

The first thought that came to mind after the first message from this young, very young woman..was, “How stupid do you think I am?”

And, to be honest, there must be a whole lot of guys out there who are very stupid.

All it takes is showing a little bit of interest.

Men are so easy, and oh so stupid.