Economic genocide.

You can parse it anyway you want.

Obama Care. Universal Healthcare. Affordable Care.

Trying to keep people alive. And there are so many people who don’t want to. Bottom line is if you can afford insurance and you get sick, you are covered. If you don’t have insurance and get sick, you could die. And don’t even bring up a catastrophic illness.

Oh wait…what about Medicaid, and Medicare? Wouldn’t the people who can’t afford conventional insurance be covered there? Well, that depends on how far you cut government funding, now doesn’t it? And that is what all fiscal conservatives talk about. Small government. No give outs. No give aways.

Culling the herd. Agenda 21. Lifeboat ethics. The earth can only sustain so many. Resources are not totally renewable.

I have finally figured it out. Trump and his goons are helping with the extermination of the weak. Culling the herd.

Like AIDS/HIV being spread in the Black and Latino communities.

The CIA being responsible for introducing crack in the 80’s.

Now with wanting to eliminate the Affordable Care Act without having anything to put in its place. Screwing the farmers in the Midwest with his tariffs.

All stepping stones. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Setting the poor up for the cull.

Agenda 21.

Culling the herd.

You are either the hunter, or the hunted.