Fifty-five years spent being born, going to school, getting married, entering the workforce, becoming a father, divorcing, lather, rinse, repeat.

2013 I walked away from that and became a gig worker. Then a member of a traveling reset crew. Then a Direct Sales Rep.

Now I am in Arizona. My friends are all 2 or 3 time zones, and many states to the east. It is as if I am in this bubble out here.

Bubble is a good way to put it also. Today it was 112 degrees here in Phoenix. I ventured out to gather some food in my air conditioned car. Returned to where I am staying….can’t say that it is home at this point…have only been here a week and a half….it is my daughter and son-in-laws place….moving on… out of my a/c protected vehicle and went into the a/c protected house to devour my food.

From one sized bubble to another sized bubble.

Setting up routine.

Life is all about routine. Those things that we do to fill the time. Books, music, art, nature.

Little bubbles along the way……