Weekends have their own particular feel. We have discussed this before.

Friday is full of anticipation. It is the end of the work week, and the next few days seem endless, and full of fun.

Saturday morning is full of preparation for Saturday evening. Shopping, prepping, cleaning, Saturday afternoon is for grilling, hanging with family and friends after a day at the lake, pool, or river. Saturday evening is for basking in what sun you have soaked up during the day.

Sunday….now Sunday is special. Sunday is a day of languid rest. Reclining in a hammock with a cold drink, and a good book. Napping in a cool room.

Sunday is what retirement feels like right now.

Nothing needs to be done. Nothing needs my attention.

This won’t last, I know this. There will soon come a time when I will need to seek some part-time employment.

But right now……I am going to enjoy this nap…….