I told myself that I wasn’t going to do this. It is cliche, trite, worn out, whatever else you want to say about it.

But here I am trying to decide on a direction for the year coming.

Goal setting. Makes me shudder just looking at those words.

Goals are all fine and good when you actually achieve them. When you don’t, well, I just end up feeling like a doofus. And yes I do understand the concept of using goals to keep you on track. To keep you from not wandering off from shiny thing to shiny thing.

Which is what I tend to do.

I believe that I know what videos I want to do. One group of videos, unfortunately, will be involving one thing I absolutely hate to do. But I need to do. So…..might as share the suffering. These will be spread over Blistagram, FaceCrack, TrikTok, and only the best will be shared here.

Makes you want to go over and subscribe so that you receive the very best videos I have to offer, doesn’t it?

I still have to figure out the next episode of The Hook, for gosh sakes! And for any of you who do not know what I am talking about, here is the link to beginning….


And don’t forget to subscribe, and comment. Thank you.