I have been thinking of brands lately. Not the kind where you sear an image into your skin. But rather LIFE Brands.

According to Wikipedia, “A lifestyle brand is a brand that attempts to embody the values, aspirations, interests, attitudes, or opinions of a group or a culture for marketing purposes. Lifestyle brands seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people, with the goal of their products contributing to the definition of the consumer’s way of life.”

“Seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people.”

Interesting. But, the thing is….I don’t want to inspire, guide, or motivate you. I have a hard enough time doing at that for myself, much less throwing you into the equation.

I am just want to have some fun.

And along the way hopefully learn more about myself.

This blog is a companion to my YouTube channel….yes, you guessed it…..”Chasing My Dragons”.

Why that title? Because that describes my life to this point 63 years down the pike. Trying to recreate that one perfect moment in life….or possibly to FIND that one perfect moment that has yet to happen.

Either way, come along for the ride. It should be interesting……