Back when the youngest was…well…younger, there was a line of clothes, and such called Happy Bunny.



The problem with Happy bunny was that it wasn’t really happy.  The bunny was rather sarcastic, and snarky.  And while that appeals to me the adult, I wasn’t too happy to have my young teenaged daughter wearing this stuff.



But look at cute that bunny is….



This one about boys being stupid…that one I really liked.  A lot…though the young one never listened to me when I told her that.  Damn kids.



I always thought that the Happy Bunny brand supported bullying with its sarcasm.  Which was another reason to keep it away from the young one.  Thankfully she never got into it that much.  Made me happy.



Do you remember the Happy Bunny brand?  Did you buy it for your girls?  What did you think of it?  I really want to know, so drop me a line.

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