

If you need an opinion on something, I am your man.  I have a million of them.  Some good, some ok, and some just silly.  And the silly ones don’t stop me from having them, and voicing them at times.  But I do think about voicing my opinions before I spout them.  Believe it or not.



Yep.  Opinions are everywhere.  We all have them, and we all voice them from time to time.  And though there are times when I feel like this after hearing some of the opinions out there


We all have a right to what we want to believe.  The hard part of that right is that we do not have the right to force our opinions on others.


Again, Yep.  I put forth my opinions in this forum.  I don’t expect that just because I say this or that, that you will agree with me.  Most times I want discussion.  Don’t tell anyone that I said this, but I am  not right all of the time.

I know.  I know.  Who would believe that kind of crazy talk, but it is true.  There have been plenty of times where I have had one opinion on a subject, and new information was presented that caused me to change my mind.



So, what’s the point?  Hell if I know.  Most days I just like to come up with a cool sounding title, go searching for some images that fit in with it and then try to string a bunch of words together that makes sense.

In other words


If I am not espousing some radical theory, bashing some political group, stringing together a line of expletives that have never been grouped together before, or trying to wrap my head around why anyone could NOT ABSOLUTELY LOVE peanut butter… makes no difference to anyone but me.

Does it?
