In the midst of my employment journey, I have had the chance to think about what I really want to do with the rest of my life.  I have spent so many years locked up in golden handcuffs.  I have had to have a certain income level to meet all of my financial demands…..child support, support of a wife, house payments, the level of keeping up with the Jones family that is always lurking on the edges of our individual subconcious.

I think that I have finally figured out what I want to do with myself.  I want to write.  That is all.  And before the naysayers pipe in, I do realize that I also need a way to regularly earn enough of the green devils to make sure that I  have a place to do said writing.  So, don’t think that i have completely gone off the deep end.  I have just gone into the kiddie section of the pool….just getting my feet wet at this point.

So.  That being said….how are we going to go about this.  I do have a plan of action, and have started putting that plan into play at this point.  More on that as it all unfolds…..or envelopes me, whichever the case might be at this point.

Suffice it to say that this has resulted in a sense of peace.  Finally.  A purpose.

Stay tuned….