What is it about the holidays that makes people wear ugly sweaters?
I understand the wearing of sweaters when it is cold. I have a few myself. But these holiday adorned really nasty looking things, I just do not see why anyone would buy them much less wear them out in public. Some folks have taken the ugly sweater phenomenon, added alcohol to it and turned it into a party. I applaud those people.
Good job, I say. Good job. Because a party of ugly sweaters is about the only place you could wear this:
Or this:
There is so much going on in that sweater that I think I am going to have an epileptic seizure just from looking at it. Are there any other colors that could be added to it to make it even more hideous?
And then let us not forget about the patchwork quilt sweaters…..well….actually, I wish that I could forget about them. But I know as I am wandering around this holiday season I am bound to stumble across someone wearing one of these creations.
I am just praying that it isn’t this guy……
What’s your position on ugly sweaters? Let me know……