I am not a metrosexual in any stretching, manipulating, grasping at straws of the word.



The thought of someone messing around with my feet, playing with my finger nails and smearing some weird concoction on my face gives me the willies.

I am Retro.  A metrosexual is a man who is meticulous about his appearance, and grooming.  These men typically spend a great deal of time and money shopping for the right clothes, the right hair and skin products.





Please reference the “gives me the willies” comment above.

Nope, kids.  I am a Retrosexual.



Happy to get out of bed in the morning, take my 15 minute shower, brush the fangs, toss on my jeans and a t-shirt and be ready for the day.



I happily admit to having not a whole bunch on my mind concerning the clothes that I wear.  That, of course does not mean that I  can’t clean up well.  I can.  It is just that in my every day life, I chose comfort over trying to impress people with how I look.



See what I am talking about?

So where do you stand on the whole metro vs retro controversy?  Would love to hear your opinion…and you know what to do….comment below and let the world know what you are really thinking about going and getting that mani/pedi.
