It happened quite unexpectedly. Without much introduction.
And it didn’t happen.
I just wanted to get your attention. You see, even though I use this blog to clean out the stuff in my head I am still trying to figure out what you, the audience expects of me. I still want to give you, the readers, what it is that you come here for. I am a pleaser that way.
Writing is what I grew up wanting to do. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a reading family. We read three newspapers a day….the Herald-Palladium, The South Bend Tribune, and The Detroit Free Press. Matter of fact Bob Talbert a writer for the Free Press is the one who got me thinking that writing could be a good gig. Loved reading his columns on a weekly basis.
And that damned encyclopedia britannica that we had. Do not know how the hell we ended up with that, but between that, the Readers Digest condensed books and the legion of books that I checked out of every library in a 5 county area I learned to love to write.
So no. I didn’t poop my pants this morning. And with the amount of protein I have been ingesting lately, I doubt that it will happen any time soon….when it does, I will more than likely let you know.
I just wanted to find out if you were paying attention…..