

Though this isn’t completely representative of what I am going through right now, it sure does feel like it.  In reality I will only have a few boxes and my clothes packed into my Accord.

That is a lot less than what I have taken to the Salvation Army, let me tell you.  Just today I took 6 boxes of books and dropped them off.  Not to count the number of bags of clothes I have put into the drop boxes, and the stuff that I have put out for the Trash Monkeys.

And I still don’t have all the stuff out of the house that I want to get out.  I am just running out of time.  I have the important stuff situated, the rest is just going to have to wait.  For what?  I really don’t know.  At some time I am going to have to return and deal with the odds and ends, but for now……eh.

It is interesting to dig through the detritus that has been accumulated.  Items that have been long buried, and forgotten about.  Those items that you just had to have at one point in time, just to put them to one side and pile newer items on top.

Do you do a Spring Cleaning at your house where you go through everything and get rid of what you are no longer using?  How soon do you go out and buy new items to replace those items that you have gotten rid of?  Does this make you crazy?

Would love to hear about it….comments down below….
