If you would ask Amy, she would tell you that her husband was the same as he was 25 years ago when they first met. A little more grey was in his hair and beard. The same build, just a tad softer around the middle. The same blue eyes that she fell into every time he looked at her.
Every morning, Monday through Friday, Ralph was up at 6am. Down to the kitchen to make coffee, then weather permitting, out to the patio to enjoy that first cup of coffee and to listen to the world wake up.
It was on a beautiful morning in May that Ralph first noticed that something was different. He had poured his coffee, opened the slider door and walked out onto the patio. The sun was shining down through the trees. The leaves moving lazily in the breeze as he sat down at the patio table and took that first sip. Ralph was savoring that taste looking over into the neighbors back yard. Not really looking at anything, just enjoying the morning. The feel of the sun on his face. And it was then that he noticed something out of place. Or maybe just …. moved. Not a whole lot, just a tad.
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