I have been holding on to this post for awhile. Mostly because I didn’t know how to title it.
“Chuck, You Did Me Wrong.”
“Chuck, You Are A Jerk.”
“Technology Is No Friend Of Chuck.”
You see, I had this dream a couple of weeks. One of the integral people in the dream was a classmate of mine from back in high school. Chuck.
Chuck has a last name, but that isn’t the important part of the story. And, most importantly, I haven’t asked his permission to use his name here. I have to respect his privacy.
Even though he was a complete jerk in the dream.
Quite unlike how he is in real life. And unlike how he was when we went to school together.
Regardless. We were traveling, Chuck and I, back to where I grew up. A small town in Michigan by the name of Keeler. We had been traveling by bus and had ended up in a bus station in Lawrence, Michigan. I have no idea if Lawrence even has, or HAD a bus station. All I do know is that Chuck and I were in Lawrence, and that was as far as we were going to go.
My cell phone had died. Didn’t have a cord to use to charge it with. Chuck gave me some old, clunky flip phone that didn’t have a charge either. And he thought he was doing me a favor by giving me the phone.
Then he gave me another one, and finally a third piece of crap flip phone that was dead as a door nail.
Thanks, Chuck.
The point of all this is really has not a whole lot to do with my ex-classmate. It has more to do with the strange paths that our minds go down when we are sleeping. Why would a person I haven’t seen in close to 40 years end up in one of my dreams? Why would I be dreaming of dead cell phones, and a bus stop in Lawrence, Michigan? I would have thought that Decatur, Michigan would have been closer. Heck, I could even walk from Decatur to Keeler. Did that many times when I was a lot younger.
According to Dream Interpretation to dream of a classmate indicates a past lesson that you have learned and is applicable in some aspect of your waking life now.
To dream about cell phones has way too many connotations to include here. Leave it at the interpretations are confusing at best.
To be at a bus station indicates achieving a level or stage in your emotional or physical life.
All of this put together leads me to one very important realization.
Chuck needs to make sure that the phones he gives to me are fully charged.
Comment by Anonymous on May 12, 2015 at 12:17 am
Phil: We all know who Chuck is. Don B
Comment by wormdude@gmail.com on May 12, 2015 at 6:27 am
There’s a little bit of “Chuck” in all of us, Don.