Why do we even have speed limits posted on the highways of this country? No one obeys them. Doesn’t matter it the speed limit is posted as 25, or 65. People buzz by as fast as they want.
Since when did the rules state that you can travel as fast as you damn well pleased?
And I don’t want to hear anything about “I’m a good driver,” because that is crap. Unless your vehicle is set up to travel at high speeds, and you have taken a course in high speed driving all you are doing is crossing our fingers and hoping that nothing goes wrong.
And scaring the crap out of the people who are riding with you. Not to mention the other drivers on the road who watch in horror as you weave your way in one lane, than back into the other as you vie for an opening where you can press your foot down firmly on the accelerator. Just so that you can hit your brakes when you get up to the next stop light, or behind a car that is going slower than you are.
And that car is usually going at the speed limit, or maybe just a few miles an hour faster.
Insurance companies love you. You are the reason my rates are as high as they are.
I hope your transmission falls out.
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