I have been struggling lately. Internally. Mentally. And I think I have finally figured out why.
I need a rant. I haven’t had a good one lately. It is about time that I vented my spleen.
So let’s get started.
I firmly believe that this world would be a whole lot better if we kept a lot of our opinions to ourselves and quit judging people. Big surprise there, isn’t it?
I don’t care who you love, or live with. I don’t care if they are male, female, or a combination of both. It is none of my business. If you are someone I care for, I am happy that you have found love. I have been in many relationships where there was no love, and believe me I know how empty that is. And I wish that on no one. If I don’t know you, what difference is it to me?
The whole Bruce/Caitlin Jenner thing. So what? I don’t care. It is none of my business, and quit trying to MAKE it my business. How sad it is that we have made the Kardashian family so freaking famous by being freaks? And the Duggars……please.
We judge, and then try to defend our judgments to everyone that will listen. The media is full of bait trying to get the talk started about this or that. CNN, MSNBC, Fox, network news slanted this way and that, whichever way that will give them the best ratings.
We are failing as a society.
I have enough crap going on in my life to have to then try to worry about what it going on in yours. Or in someone I don’t even know, and will never know. I don’t have enough hours in the day.
And don’t get me started on you asshats out there who think that the left-hand lane is your personal autobahn.
Just don’t.
Most days driving on the road that connects the two major tourist cities I have work in, I see an accident. Sometimes two cars, today it was three cars. People zipping in and out of lanes trying to get to where they are going a couple of minutes early. And then when I talk about this with our friends, they justify driving like idiots.
Places to go, people to see. Hope you don’t get into an accident. And keep driving my insurance rates up.
Done. For now.
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