Just exactly what right does any white, american male have to say anything about not having opportunity, being marginalized, or discriminated against?
Along those lines, how can white, american male have an actual opinion about any of those topics without having experienced both sides?
With all of the coverage on the aforementioned topics I have been examining my own actions.
And of course, I have found myself lacking.
But the conversation seems rather inappropriate in and of itself…
“Hey, Person of color/woman whose opinion I respect, can you help me try to understand what it is like being you?”
That question is so inappropriate, and somewhat condescending. How can I, in good faith, approach a friend and ask that?
And I know that you can say that if someone is truly my friend, and we have that kind of relationship there should also be trust in that we should be able to talk about anything with one another.
That is a horribly long sentence, but I think you understand what I am saying.
I’m stuck.
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