I am an over-sharer. Most of the people who know me, know this about me.

I really have no problem over-sharing most of what goes on in my life…other than talking about my family.

You see, my brothers are very protective of their privacy. Along with my Mother.

Me? I have very little privacy. Especially now, living in the midst of the country in South Carolina.

Family here is waaaayyyyy different than what I am used to. They are very close, and talk to one another every day. They argue, and love one another totally.

Me? I find it hard to pick up the phone to call either my kids, or my family. Other than my Mom…because if I don’t talk to her she will call one of my brothers….rather than calling me….to ask them what is wrong with me.

Even though I have been telling them, and displaying what is wrong with me for the past 61 years.

I look at the family here and there are times when I wish that I had the same relationship with my family…..but then again, I don’t know if I could sustain that kind of contact. I just don’t think that my life, and world is that interesting.

Other than in my head….which is why it is easier for me to vomit out my thoughts on-line.

Plus, I can craft the things in my head better. Real life is gritty, and not so neat. And boring. I hate boring.

I wrote a post a few years ago saying that all I wanted for Christmas was a trainwreck. Some families have emotional upheavals during the holidays. Break downs, knock-down-drag-out fights, and the like.

I am more used to the polite, cordial gatherings. No one gets drunk and makes a scene. No one dredges up muck on another family member and lays it out on the table for all to see.

Somehow I feel left out.
