Not in the smarmy, humble-brag way of a holiday letter. Let’s just talk about this last year. It is that time, isn’t it? To reflect on what has transpired?
Looking back on 2019 has been pretty interesting. As usual, the year was a year of change, discovery, highs, and lows.
I moved from Florida to South Carolina to be with a woman who I love and respect greatly. I went from a job where I was rarely home, to one where I am home every day. This was a huge change for me. I had spent the previous 4 years traveling.
The bigger change was that I went from living on my own to living with someone. I have had to learn to be responsible not only to myself, but to another person in our living space.
This is an ongoing learning process. I have not mastered this yet.
Go figure.
As magical as it can be having a partner in life, this last year also brought to the fore my negative behaviors. My sullenness. Passive aggression. Pouting. Selfishness.
Yes, as hard as it can be to believe…I do exhibit those behaviors….and more. And as much as I love to run my mouth, communication…honest, meaningful communication can be an issue.
As much as I have learned in 2019, I hope to keep learning going forward. Learning is the exciting part of being with someone. Learning about them, learning about yourself. It’s good stuff.
That all being said, it is as if I am leading up to the “New Year, New Me’ crap.
Nope. Not going to do it. I am a new person every day. And I am the same person every day.
It just depends on what day you catch me on.
2020 will be a year of continuing to tame the bushes, and trees on Holla-Dodd Acres. It will be a year of continuing to plant new things….a mimosa tree, elephant ears, an expanded garden. A year of family gatherings, celebrations, and most likely some tears.
In other words….life.
Live yours fully.
That’s what I am planning to do.
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