I quit watching the News a couple of weeks ago. I had to. It was draining my soul.
My daily routine was to get up, make coffee, turn on the news and start getting pissed off.
It had to end.
The day I quit the news I joined The Church of the Latter-Day Dude. I became a Dude.
Being a Dude, I am sworn to embody the concept of “going with the flow.” To fully appreciate that things will work out the way that they work out, and getting all wound up about things helps nothing. That all it does is waste time and energy.
Intellectually, I have always known that I cannot sway another from their beliefs. Conversely, I, for the most part, cannot either. So all I was doing was basically arguing towards a blank wall. Hence, becoming a Dude.
No arguing. No beating my head against a wall.
Just chill.
Makes life a whole lot easier.
Makes the people around me wonder what the hell happened, though.
Should have done this years ago.