You know……if you stroll the garden of words that I have cultivated here, you will find more than a few weeds among the flowers. Areas where I didn’t tend to the care of what was growing there well enough. Plantings that started with the best of intentions, but for one reason or another didn’t receive what they needed to survive.
As I was thinking along these lines today I realized that I haven’t really given you, the reader, the complete picture. And me being someone who likes to talk as much as I do…….I thought I would do just that.
When I was young I thought that what you did was get a college education, get a job, get married, have kids, everyone lives happily ever after.
Now we all know that doesn’t always go that way we planned, or dreamed. Regardless…..
After all of the experiences you go through in life, I have gotten to this place in time. Finding peace. Really. I know that I tend to bitch and moan about the negative more than the positive. Ok. I usually bitch and moan more than anything else.
But life is good. I have only the things that mean something to me, with me. I don’t have a load of encumbrances that I have to strap on my back. I can go, or stay.
I am free.
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