Yeah…..about that…..

I can’t really say that I have tried anything that even remotely looks like it might be hard for the last 16 months.

And let’s get it out of the way right now…That’s what she said!

Isn’t this special? This bond that you and I have where it is almost as if we know what the other is going to say.

Well, here we are yet once again. The end of the year. The end of yet another year of struggle. Heartache. Fear. Rejoicing. Birth. New love. Family.

Some of us did well. Some didn’t. Some are just trucking right along as they always have.

We did it. It wasn’t it always pretty. Fun. But dammit, we did it. Take a minute to just think on that. Not on the what happened….good lord no, ain’t no one got time for re-living all the shit we have been through….No. Just appreciate that regardless of what is facing you tomorrow. Relish in the fact that by getting to this point in the year you…each and every one of you have kicked 2021’s ass.


I always told you how much of an BadAss you are.