The intent was to do a long video today to talk about head space is a good thing during fermentation, but once the yeast has done its thing too much head space…which means too much air getting to your wine/mead/beer/cider.
That was the intent.
And then my siphon popped out of my one gallon secondary spraying blueberry onto the floor. Not once, but twice. Which meant that I needed to sanitize my siphon twice. Along with having to clean up my mess. Twice.
It would be so nice to have interns.
Anyway. I got the blueberry cider moved to the one gallon, and I took a sample out to just give it a try. And even with as new as it is…this stuff is banging. You get the mildness of the blueberries toning down the bite of the apple cider.
I have made blueberry mead many years ago, and even though I was extremely proud of the mead….this blueberry cider is so very much better. But you will have to take my word for it…
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