Of course, I don’t know if you can actually they are my responsibilities because I choose to be involved with all the silliness I do.

But I had a personal goal to actually do some work on a project that I have going….until this week. I hit a roadblock earlier this week, and I never got around it. Though I found time to do numerous other things this week. I messed around with the various brews I have going. We had a thunderstorm come through and I did a few videos around that. Spent way too much time today on looking at why my avocado plant is so damn tall and skinny…..I made the decision to prune it, and to try to root the cutting in water. What the hell, right?

And to top it all off….I am typing this. When I could be typing on that other project. Words are dangerous, folks. They have power. On this platform I can be as lackadaisical as I care to be….to a point, of course. But on other platforms words are like swords on which you live or die.

Or maybe I am just being overly dramatic trying to justify my procrastination….Who knows?

By the way, the raspberry lemonade is freaking amazing!