As I viewed the wreckage of my … can’t even call it a garden. It was a patch of desert sand, hard as hell, in a patch of sunlight. I figured that all I needed to do was to put grow bags in, keep the plants watered and life would be good.

Oh silly, silly old man. You underestimated the Arizona sun’s ability to dry freshly watered plants in a matter of a couple of hours.

I still have a few plants holding on. Green onions. A couple of weather beaten basil plants. A ginger. I get up every day and water these last stragglers. There is no hope in getting anything from them.I just refuse to let them die from thirst.

Silly old man.

Now….with all of the above being said…My cactii, elephant plants, and pineapple are doing wonderfully! We have two nice pineapple plants that are already rooted and being all healthy, and I will be adding a new member later on today. The prickly pear are going wild. I am anxious to get some fruit off of them so that we can see if the Colonel will eat them.

Always something positive to plan on.