Because if I were dreaming I know I would be sleeping. But, unfortunately, I did not.

I have gotten myself into a rut of sleeping for a few hours, waking and then attending The Crazed Carnival of Perceived Slights, Foibles, and Failures that is put on by my sub-conscious.

“Why did you do this?”

“Why didn’t you do that?”

“You allowed this to happen.”

“Why, why why why….”

Ad infinitum.

My brain seems to have a never ending supply of said foibles and failures to dish up. Still haven’t figured that one out.

I lay in bed, and I went through the whole “lay or lie” argument as I was composing this in my head while still in repose” with my eyes close because it is easier than staring at the ceiling. Drowsing, hoping that by drowsing I will somehow slide into sleep.

And it still doesn’t happen.


But the process of drowsing helped me remember that “lie” is the present tense verb when not referring to a direct object, and “lay” is the present tense verb referring to a direct object. You lay a book down. I lie on the the bed.


Stephen King wrote a great book titled, “Insomnia” where a man my age suffering from insomnia discovers that he can see various planes of reality. Good book, you ought to read it if you get the chance.