For me, blogs came into my orbit in the early 2000’s. Blogger. Blogspot. Any place you looked, you could find a free blogging platform. The game was keywords. Finding the absolute bestest keyword you could find for you blog, so that you could bring in the millions of people that you just KNEW wanted to read your words.
Or so I thought.
Then the buzz was getting your own website with your own unique url, because that is how the hordes of fans will shower you with views, and comments.
Or so they said.
Now podcasts are back in vogue. I had a podcast…of course I did…that lasted for just a few months prior to the Meth Lab tapes.
So, where am I going where all of this? How the hell am I supposed to know? If you follow me on any of my social media platforms you understand that I have not a clue. I just do what strike me at the moment.
Today I was struck by how it all started, and how it got to where I am now. All while I am waiting for the weather to turn so that I can get all my seedlings into the ground.
I have no patience.