To pound sand is to engage in a useless activity.
When you are starting a YouTube channel, that is exactly what it feels like you are doing. Pounding sand. Add to that undiagnosed ADHD and you have quite the justification to disappear. Or you do, if you are me.
Right now, I am supposed to be drawing you in with just exactly what it was I have been doing over the last 18 mos. But frankly, there was a great deal of loss, and heartache that I just do not want to relive. Instead, I want to take you with me on the journey that I am currently planning.
The Journey…..that is the working title right now..has to begin with getting the Blue Magoo up and ready to rock.
The video link above will take you to playlist of the current, and the upcoming adventures I will be having while terrorizing everyone nearby.
Here is the link that will unlock the whole story from the beginning.