I retired from the Daily Work Grind in 2020.

Since that time I have struggled with how am I going to make use of all of this time.

In the Winter of 2020 it became apparent that I would need to journey back to Michigan so that I could make sure that my Mother remembered that she did have, in fact, a third son. The next decision to be made had to do with how I would travel to Michigan.

Most folks would just book a flight, and contact a member of their family or a friend to pick them at the airport. Yeah. That doesn’t work in my world.

The idea of sleeping in my car across the United States was born. Not a novel idea, to be sure. Some of my friends have done just that, or camped every night.

With my transportation dealt with and my accommodations situated I just needed a theme. I don’t know why I needed a theme. It just felt that this journey was the beginning of something. A weird, strange, slightly scary theme.

Chasing my dragons. It is what I have been doing all of my life. And it is something that I am sure some of my readers are aware of. I keep wanting to begin the next sentence with, “We all…..”. But not all of us chase dragons. Some of us have tamed our dragons. Some bury their dragons deep in the closets where we put things we don’t want to deal with.

Me. I like to bring my dragons out and play with them. So that is I am doing.

This is just one part of an ongoing record of my travels through my retirement years. There is also a YouTube channel, and an Instagram page coming.

I have said it in the past, and I will keep saying it…..I am an attention whore.

Stay tuned….there is so much more yet to come…..