When different people bring up the same question/comment over the course of the year I get curious. Maybe curious is not the correct word. I don’t really know what word it is that I am thinking of.

I am a bunch of years old. Over the years I have been a less that stellar human being. I own all of that. One thing that I have tried to be is honest about myself. That has been to a few uncomfortable conversations with members of my family, and a few of my friends. And I get it. Each person has a right to tell their story their way.

One of the comments had to do with my multiple relationships. The person who made the comment wanted to hurt me with it. The unfortunate thing is that I can’t be hurt by the truth. I have had many relationships over the years. The one thing you can’t say about me and those relationships is that when they ended, I didn’t it turn it into a shit show of hurt feelings. And even though there were times when there some major feelings that got hurt….it wasn’t my story to tell.

For fourteen years I have been telling my story. Telling it out loud. Imperfectly. As honestly as I can.

People tell me I am full of shit.

And to tell the truth….there are times when I am.

See? Just a bit more honesty.