There are times in this blogging biz when you feel like you are out in the middle of a freaking field waving your arms yelling,
“HEY! Look at me! Look at me!”
“Look what I can do!”
Yes, we write for ourselves, but to not have an audience to play to this all turns into a really one-sided therapy session. And I don’t have the time or money for that shit right now.
I mentioned in a previous post that I not only write, I read quite a bit. And in the reading I have been hearing a whole lot of stereotyping of men who blog.
Men who blog do so about sports. Yeah, right. I like a good football game…..for about 30 minutes. I don’t have the attention span.
Men blog about technology. I don’t do video games, think phones are for teenaged girls, and don’t need a 60″ television to bolster my sexuality.
Men blog about cars. Well. I do this….but only to bitch and moan about the amount of money that it takes to keep my 15 year old cars running. And the way that other people drive.
Men blog about fashion. Really? I have socks as old as I am. Why do you think that my daughters and girlfriends are the ones to buy my ties?
If you have been reading the stuff I write about for awhile, you know I don’t fit into any of those molds. Sorry. I have more going on in this head of mine to talk to you about styles and such….and I hope that what I do write about interests you a tad bit. Well, more than a tad bit. I would like to keep you around for a bit, if you don’t mind.
So if you would like to tell me how full of shit I am, follow the arrows to the bottom of the page….
And while you are at it….head over here….————->>>>>>>>>>>>> and get on my email list so that you don’t have to go to FaceCrack or search for me on Google.
Because I am all warm and fuzzy like that….
Comment by Penny on December 7, 2013 at 8:21 pm
Meant to write you earlier on your fruit cake post, but forgot. Was it your Aunt Marge that made the fruit cake? I told her about your blog and mention of the fruit cake made by an aunt, and she answered that she never made fruit cake before and that it must have been Lois. Of course, she no doubt has forgotten if it was her……
Comment by on December 7, 2013 at 8:38 pm
Penny, it was her. And she made some amazing rum balls also. I loved eating her fruit cake, and still can taste the rum in those rum balls. Tell her I said hello, and I miss her very much.
Comment by Penny on December 8, 2013 at 8:57 pm
Thanks, Phil. I thought it was her, also. It is interesting how the Alzheimer’s has affected her long-term memory as well. Some things she remembers, though! I will tell her you said Hello.