I have thought about this for the past 55 years.  How do we acquire our taste in music?



I grew up in a house full of music.  My father listened to Big Band, and the crooners of the 50’s and early 60’s.  Tommy Dorsey, Glen Miller, Gene Krupa, The Andrews Sisters, Frank, and Bing.  Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Harry James, Jimmy Dorsey.  I could keep going on, and on, infinitum.

I had the pleasure of having two older brothers who had a plethora of 45 records.  I could kill myself trying to list the names of the bands that I listened to in the 60’s.  What brought this on was an ear worm I have been dealing with for the past couple of weeks….

Then followed up by an Alison Krauss version of an old Blind Faith number…

How do you get from Incubus to Alison Krauss?  From Glen Miller to the Beach Boys?  From The Animals to Crosby, Still, Nash, and Young?

Is it all the combination of the sounds?  The various notes as they dance off of one another on their way to your ear drums?  I was knee deep in C,S,N,and Y when a friend turned me on to Dan Fogelberg

And down a musical rabbit hole I went with that one.

What about your musical tastes?  What do they run to?  I would love to know as I am always open to new music.  Drop us a note in the comment box located down there.  And while you are at it, why don’t you also like my FaceCrack page.

