We are entering a confusing time of the year. With all of the parties, family gatherings, and holiday events that are soon to be crammed onto our calendars you would think that it should be nothing but fun.

But for millions of people it isn’t. This time of year has its own feeling of doom that drapes itself over them. With the time change coming, it is darker longer. People suffering with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, dread the Fall and Winter. They experience difficulty in getting up in the morning, weight gain, loss of desire to do anything but stay inside.

Interesting that what we call the “Season of Light” can bring so much dread to so many people.

The months of October, November, and December also bring to many people the dread of having to be with family. For as many happy families out there, there are an equal amount of families fractured and splintered due to drug and alcohol abuse not to mention domestic violence. Mix all that up with people feeling that they have to spend money that they don’t have and you end up with an incredibly toxic mix.

Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Why in the world would I want to even think about this? Because this season of dread has already raised its ugly head. Friends grieving because of losing Mothers, Fathers, and Grandparents. Relationships ended. Not everyone out there is skipping happily down the street that you might be.

The point of all of this doom and gloom is to ask each one of you to be aware of those around you. The roads that they are walking could very well be full of potholes.

Understanding, kindness, and compassion need to be our watchwords this upcoming season.

Be good to one another.