I have a story that I would like to tell you.

But I won’t. I can’t.

You see, this particular story doesn’t belong to just me.

There was once a time when I would be more than happy to vent my spleen about everything and anything that was going on in my life. And I did. And then the shit storm began…but I felt that I had this “obligation” to be honest when my fingers hit the keys on my laptop.

I have hurt a number of people with some of the things that I have posted on line. And that hurt me.

I have driven wedges between myself and some of the folks that I have mentioned on this site. All in the name of wanting to be honest. When what I should have been was silent.

Even though being silent has never been one of my abilities….see the venting of my spleen comment up there.

So. Plan hearing my commentary on the upcoming holidays. Plan on my standing on my soapbox having to do with drinking and driving during the holidays. Plan on me reminding you that there are folks out there who struggle through the holidays.

Plan me asking you to pay attention to those around you. That is the spirit of this season, folks. Caring.