Now that is a catchy title if I do say so. And it is all because of the second word. It has a little more bite to it, and draws the attention.

I have become immune to hell, and damn. Though there are still some words out there that have that dark mojo….anyway…this isn’t about curse words.

I travel. A lot. And GPS is my jam.

I actually have two map units. Google maps in my phone, and Garman in my vehicle.

There is a real difference between the two. I describe it as they have two distinct personalities.

Google Maps is the true Bitch in the box. She is wonderful, but passive aggressive. If I don’t follow her route…If I miss a turn say…she gets all pissy when she tells me to make a u-turn.

Google Maps is all about getting you the quickest way possible. 6-lane, 4-lane, 2-lane, dirt road, sketchy alley…. Google Maps has Zero F#$%.s to Give.

Garmin is a completely different creature. Where Google Maps is an app on my phone, Garmin is a self-contained, quaint looking unit. And the voice options it gives sound like someones grandmother.

Since I started this post I have started using yet another GPS platform….the one that Amazon Flex uses to help me make my deliveries.

I am not sure what platform it uses but it is insane. I have sat in my car at a stop sign watching the directional arrow spin. Just spin. I log out, log back in and it keeps spinning.

GPS is a wonderful tool when used…but I have also witnessed some crazy stuff. The directional arrow spinning, the app just shutting down….

Once, while in South Carolina, if the google maps would have had the capability I am sure that it would have displayed TILT like on a pinball machine…as the app had no freaking clue as to where I was, or how to get to where I was going.

Fun times with technology….