

Personal business.

We all have a part of us we choose not to share with those around us. For some of us it is a dark secret. For others it is the essence of themselves. A part that they do not want to give anyone else access to.

I have written about this previously, Don’t Read this it’s private. Talking about sharing, and over sharing especially with social media. We all know someone who is an over sharer….someone who posts everything that they do. Everything they eat. Everything. It makes you cringe when you see it. Or laugh. Or something somewhere in between.

I seem to fall into the “in between” space. Swallowed by the cracks, so to speak. I share a great deal on this page, but not everything. There is that kernel of “Me” that stays with me.

I remember, or seem to remember an episode of the original “Star Trek” where Spock describes humans as individual universes. That humans might have similar experience, but never the same experience because of the how each of us processes the experiences we have. The old adage of their being 3 sides to each story…..your side, my side, and the truth.

So. What is your opinion of holding fast to the essence of “You”. Do you agree that it happens, or do you have someone in your life who knows everything about you?

Your turn.