Day 4.
Already I am bored with enumerating this project. You, the reader, couldn’t really give a blankety-blank blank what day of this I am entrenched in. The number means nothing. It is the content that you are here for.
What is he going to write today, you wonder. Or maybe you don’t. Maybe you are just here due to a random mouse click. Who knows? Not me, that is for sure.
But I have digressed as I am wont to do. My mind works in circuitous ways…..I like it that way. Keeps life interesting as I am thinking about one thing some other thought enters my metal field of vision and my attention follows it. Up, down. No matter which way it leads, I follow….for a bit until something new raises its head and attracts my attention to it.
I was working at one job today when I received a call from another company that I have been working with. The Scheduler who called me started talking around the bush, and I finally cut him off and said, “You are canceling my contract, right?”
He said, “Yes. The company has decided to use the people we already have as opposed to hiring outside contractors.”
“Ok.” I said.
He said, “That’s all?”
“Yep. I knew this was coming. The work that you had asked me to do for your company has been slowing down for the past few weeks, and it doesn’t take a genius to see where it was all going. So, yeah. That’s all. By the way, I received my payment from my last invoice the other day.”
Then he says to me, “Well, if there is anything I can do for you in the future….”
I interrupted him, “You can give me the courtesy of returning my phone calls quite unlike you did the last 3 weeks. That would be what I would ask you to do.”
And we exchanged farewell pleasantries and ended the call.
I have been downsized.
A very weird feeling, as this is the first time it has happened since I went out on this whole Independent Contractor journey. I wasn’t fired, per se. I just was no longer needed. I didn’t quit, or walk out. I was expendable. As I knew I was going in.
And it is still a weird feeling.
And then I finished up the job I was working when the call came in, and off I went to my next appointment. That was for yet another company that I have been working with since coming to Florida.
And did you see what I did there? I developed a conversation between two characters. Well, I don’t know if the guy I was talking to is really a “character” or not. I certainly am, but that pretty much goes without saying. At least to my friends and family.
After my telling you how much trouble I have writing conversations. Developing the characters, the backstory and such. And I just did it right there. A few lines up.
Boom. guess I am learning something here.