

Well kids, you only have ten more days to toss your cash at the retailers of your choice.  Yep.  This coming week will be full of office parties, and informal get togethers.  Then this coming weekend is when you do no….let me repeat…DO NOT want to be out in the malls.  It is gonna get ugly as people are going to be frantically tossing their cash around hoping that what they buy is going to be what little Jimmy, or Jenny are going to want.



And retailers are going to be hoping that you are going to be tossing around big bucks.  Look for insane sales.  Closeout deals.  Last chance clearances.  Anything that screams to you that you have to get in the store NOW, or else you are going to lose out.  And you don’t want to lose out do you?  After all it is the Dash for the Cash.



All I ask is that you don’t lose sight of the fact that there are people out there who are struggling.  Struggling with having to do this shopping madness, struggling with loneliness and despair, struggling with various issues that aren’t going to make them very happy or pleasant.  Don’t be in a huge hurry when you are traveling about.  And just think.

The day after Christmas is the start of the present return season!

Need to ask a favor.  If you like what I put on this site head over here ————->>>>>>>>>>>> and subscribe.

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and like my FaceCrack page.  And as always, if you have a comment I would love to hear it.  Please hit the comment button and let me know what you are thinking.

Thank you, have a safe and sane Christmas.