I was going to come up with some tricky, slick, witty title to the post.  I really was.  But the truth of the matter is that I absolutely hate re-runs.  They make me insane.

I have to wait until the week starting the 6th in January until all the good shows come back on.

American Horror Story: The Coven.  Yesssssss.  Now there is a good show.



Another show that I have to wait on is Revolution.  Have I mentioned how much I hate re-runs?



A show that I loved last summer is also coming back, “Justified.”  Interesting show about a U.S. Marshall in West Virginia.



And let us not even talk about the amount of withdrawal I am going through not being able to see new episodes of “The Walking Dead.”  The pain I feel about this is agonizing.



And of course there is “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and “The Colbert Report.”  But I am used to these two shows going on hiatus for a week or two periodically throughout the year.  The shows get more time off than Carter’s has liver pills.




What shows are you jonesing for during these last two weeks of December?  Drop me a note in the comments and spray your ire at the networks.
