I guess that I am showing my age again.  This morning as I am drinking my coffee, watching the “TODAY” show, a segment comes on about all these nifty little activities you can do to keep your kids from getting bored over Christmas break.




Did I hear that right?  I guess that I never really thought that kids would be bored after Christmas.  You know….when they got games, and electronic items, books, movies, etc. to keep themselves occupied.  It never dawned on me that they would need to be kept occupied with activities also.



I remember as I was growing up, if I even thought about saying I was bored I would be told to go outside, go ride my bike, go sledding, read a book, do SOMETHING other than stand around whining about being bored.

For those of us my age, that is what we were told when we were bored.  Oh…and don’t forget all those things you got for Christmas…and the inevitable, “Why did Santa bring you all those things if you aren’t going to play with them?”

Moms.  Gotta love em.

Anyway.  What are you doing with your kids over Christmas break?  Some of you went back to work today, not everyone has time off between Christmas and New Years.

Let me know.  You know what to do.  And while you are at it, why don’t you hit that FaceCrack button down there and like my FaceCrack page also?  You know….for a little after Christmas love…
