I can be an evil guy.  Really.  I can be manipulative, passive-aggressive, and just plain nasty.

And those are some of my more endearing qualities.

As I have been relentlessly whining, and grumbling about I am cleaning out my house to get it put on the market to sell.  There has been one room that I have been reticent to venture into….my daughters room.  I have used the excuse that I don’t want to throw out something that she might want and have to deal with the fall out.  Of course, the converse argument is that she has had going on 3 years to get out anything that she really wanted…..


What is actually the case is that I don’t have to have to deal with the sheer amount of stuff that is in that little room.  Snow globes, dolls, books, trophy’s, knick knacks, pictures, posters, and mounds and mounds of just crap.  I don’t want to have to deal with it.  So what did I do?  I hired my daughter to clean out her room.

Yep.  You read that right.  I am paying my kid to clean up her detritus.  I would so much rather do that than do it myself.  I know…..I am a horrible human being.

But, I told you that right at the beginning of this now didn’t I?

Have you ever resorted to bribing your kid to do what they should be doing all along?  Weigh in on the subject in the comment section below.

Chastise me.  Castigate me.  Validate me in my pain of having to deal with all of her crap.
