I loved the show “Lost.”  I looked forward to it every week with a zealots anticipation.



The series ran from 2004 through 2010.  It had all the best of science fiction, and drama.  Character development mixed with mystery.  How were the survivors of the plane crash were going to get off of the island?  Who else was on the island?  Because you just KNEW that they weren’t alone.  How did that damned polar bear get there?

I loved it.  Reveled in it every week.  The exquisite deliciousness of the depth of the mystery….the Dharma Initiative.  The Others.  Jacob, and The Man in Black.

And then it was ended is such a disappointing way.  I remember being sick to my stomach after watching the finale.  It was such a blow.  For it all to have been a state of limbo where the characters existed for a moment…..

The finale wasn’t the real “Lost.”

That was lost long before it ended…..