Many years ago, I started making beer just because.  Mainly just because I am a freaking nerd, and I like to know how to do things.  Keeps my mind active.



I brewed my own for a couple of years, and taught a couple of friends how to make their own beer, and it got boring.  So I branched out into meads, and melomels.


Mead is just fun to make.  A bunch of honey, and some fruit adjuncts, water, yeast and off you go.  It can be amazing.  I made some really good mead from desert honey I bought at Whole Foods.  Such a difference in taste that kind of honey gave over clover honey.

Regardles….I am now branching out into making washes in preparation of learning how to distill.  This wash I speak of is what is done to prepare the liquid you are going to distill.  The one I am going to describe here can also be bottled as a wine.

This is a mango honey wine.  And this is what you are going to need.

2 large cans of pears in heavy syrup

32 oz peach juice

64 oz mango nectar


champagne yeast

There is no water added to this mixture.  This is going to be around a gallon of wine.  You can double the ingredients and then double your yield.  I am going to stick with this single batch for my first go around.

The process is to warm up your liquids, not too hot, just enough to dissolve the honey into the juices and to marry the flavors.  Once the honey is dissolved you pour it into your fermenter and let it cool to room temperature, then add your re-hydrated yeast.  Slap a top on it with an air-lock  and let it sit for a week or so…until the it stops bubbling.

I know that this is a down and dirty version.  I have left a few steps out.  If you are interested in a step-by-step version, email me and I will be more than happy to send one on to you.

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