
I love words.  Words are a good time.  The right combination of words can aptly describe what you feel, what you are seeing.  And they can be useless.

“I’m sorry.”

Those have got to be the most used, and the most useless words used on this planet.  And Great Screamin’ Jaysus knows that I have used them multiple times, for multiple reasons.  And I still think that they are useless.  If you were truly sorry for something you did, or said maybe you should have thought about your words or actions prior.

Aaaaannnnnd that is very judgmental, somewhat self-serving, and downright simplistic to say.  I recognize that.  Believe me, I do.  It just that I have heard people around me using those two words recently, when I know that the only thing they are trying to so very hard to hide with their use is that they are sorry that they were caught.  The person whose mouth those words have come out of is actually thinking,

“Oh crap.  That didn’t work out the way that I thought that it would.  What can I do to mitigate the shit storm that is going to be coming my way now?”

“I know…..”

“I’m sorry.”


A wrong should never be prefaced with those two words.  Something that I wish I would have learned decades ago.  Better to use:  “I made a mistake.”  “I was wrong.”  “I shouldn’t have done/said that.”

Anything other than just, “I’m sorry.”

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